


여름 밤하늘


아름다운 꿈이
주렁주렁 매달린 여름 밤하늘

숲속에서 풀벌레 울고
논개구리 요란하면
꿈도 도란도란 소리 내어 춤춘다.

별똥별 훅 날아 곤두박질하고
반딧불 빙빙 눈앞에 빛나면

꿈 가득한 별들이
가슴에 내려
나를 별나라 성자로 만든다.

허만길 문학박사. 시인. 소설가. 복합문학 창시. 국제PEN한국본부 이사. 한국 현대시인협회 이사. 한국소설가협회 중앙위원. 시집 「역사 속에 인생 속에」 복합문학 「생명의 먼동을 더듬어」 소설 「원주민촌의 축제」 등


허만길 시 '여름 밤하늘' 영어 번역

(Poetry Korea Volume 16. 2023) Edited by United Poets Laureate International Korea Center Published by Orum Publisher, Republic of Korea)

Summer Night Sky

Hur Man-gil | Trans. Hea Suk Salzman

The summer night sky
with beautiful dreams dangling from it

In the forest, the insects are singing
When frogs croak loudly in the rice field
Dreams also dance whispering lovingly

Shooting stars swiftly fly in a headlong plunge
When fireflies shine around and around
before my eyes

Stars full of dreams
Descend into my heart
And enthrone me
as a saint of the star-filled universe.

■Hur Man-gil
Ph.D. in Literature. Poet & Novelist, Founder of Complex Literature. Board Member of PEN International, Korea Center & Korea Modern Poets Association. Central Committee Member of Korean Novelists Association. Published the Collection of Poems 'In History and in Life', Complex Literature 'Searching for the Dawn of Life', Novel 'A Feast in the Village of Natives' and many others.

■Hea Suk Salzman
Adjunct Professor at World Languages Department,
College of Southern Nevada, USA.

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